ALPI@LDF George Table by MLXL

14 - 22 September 2019
35-36 Thurloe Place
South Kensington

ALPI contributes to the creation of the "George" table designed by the M-L-XL design studio for the "Masters of Disguise" exhibition curated by the same studio, in partnership with the SEEDS gallery. On display from 14 to 22 September at South Kensington, the exhibition brings together a group of designers to create an informal home environment in contrast with a showcase of a series of masks. The exhibition seeks to reveal the personalities of the objects and their creators, playfully interpreting the concept of human nature.

In particular, the M-L-XL studio selected ALPI’s reclaimed wood material to create the imposing "George" table, an object charged with material, symbolic and narrative value, which wants to reflect on the value of the materials and processes considered by the company as " waste ". With the growing debates on the Anthropocene, how can design reclaim the value of these objects?

The table is therefore composed of sheets of ALPI’s reclaimed wood, no longer usable in the company's production, that will serve as the centrepiece of the exhibition. The wood sheets - made of different colors and finishes - were glued together to form a thick block of wood. In this way, what is usually used on the surface becomes a structural element, reversing the relationship between form and function, decoration and construction. Treating this material transformed like a block of wood, M-L-XL has chiseled the edges of the table, as an ironic tribute to the great master George Nakashima. By reversing the relationship between natural and artificial, waste and resources, this project casts doubt on the way in which we evaluate materiality and material things.


ALPI@LDF George Table by MLXL
ALPI@LDF George Table by MLXL
ALPI@LDF George Table by MLXL


Web Design, Art Direction and Web Programming / FRI-WEB; The pictures are protected by the law of copyright and it is illegal to use them without a written permission.