Sculptures made by ALPI at the Angelo Mangiarotti retrospective hosted by Triennale Milano

Eleven years after his death in 2012, the Milanese architect, designer and urban planner Angelo Mangiarotti is being commemorated by the Triennale Milano. The retrospective "When Structures Take Shape" curated by Fulvio Irace will display a broad selection of artwork, design projects, documents and other materials, including two sculptures produced for Mangiarotti by ALPI.
ALPI is participating in the exhibition with two large sculptures. These monoliths, over three metres tall, were built in the mid-1980s according to a design by Angelo Mangiarotti. Shaped from parallelepipeds of solid multicoloured ALPI wood, the two totems were cut diagonally and concavely, creating differently oriented facets that hint at the infinite variety of patterns that can be obtained with this material. Nothing similar had ever been made until then.
Now the two sculptures have finally found a grand occasion to be displayed to the public, arousing amazement and admiration, and adding another important element to maestro Mangiarotti's variegated oeuvre.

"When Structures Take Shape"
Angelo Mangiarotti
27 January – 23 April 2023
Triennale Milano


Sculptures made by ALPI at the Angelo Mangiarotti retrospective hosted by Triennale Milano
Sculptures made by ALPI at the Angelo Mangiarotti retrospective hosted by Triennale Milano
Sculptures made by ALPI at the Angelo Mangiarotti retrospective hosted by Triennale Milano
Sculptures made by ALPI at the Angelo Mangiarotti retrospective hosted by Triennale Milano
Sculptures made by ALPI at the Angelo Mangiarotti retrospective hosted by Triennale Milano


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